Perry predicted that the Gulf spill would have no impact on the Texas Coast. Now Governor Perry repeatedly suggested that the spill was “an act of God” that he hoped would not lead to a “knee jerk” reaction against offshore drilling. “I have concerns about the public being misled,” he said, of calls to stop new or existing offshore drilling. Asked if he had any reason to describe the spill as “an act of God,” Perry said at the impromptu press conference that the spill's cause still has to be investigated. “I suspect there was a mechanical failure somewhere,” Perry said.
Governor Perry, who as a Gulf Coast governor has been on conference calls with top Obama Administration officials, declined to give the administration a grade on its handling of the spill. “This is a long way from being over with,” he said. However, he added, “There has been a good flow of information.”
I have observed that the Governor has most recently made his political reputation on his anti-Washington rhetoric but Monday he said, “I’m not an anti-government guy. I just want government to work” and I believe him. I believe that the governor see the bigger picture in all of this.